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Audra's Accomplishments

CH JustUs Uptown Girl RN MX MXJ NJP BIDs SSBs

13 Titles!!!

Audra's Accomplishments in 2012:

Audra's Accomplishments in 2011:

Audra started her AKC agility career in Novice (STD and JWW) in late Feb 2011, and finished the year in Excellent B with her MX and MXJ, 5 QQs and 101 MACH points -- actually quite a bit ahead of her daddy in his first year of trialing :o).  While we are still working some "bugs" out, she is showing great promise and I am excited to see how she develops over the next year as she gets more confident and consistent.  As you can tell from her photos, she is one determined little froggie :o)  Very proud of all she has accomplished this year.  And she is such a love besides.

Photo by M. Nicole Fischer ©

Photo by Steve Surfman ©

Audra has been busy working on her Master Agility and Master Agility Jumpers titles, and has earned her first MACH Double Qs! 

Above: Audra finishing her MX title on Oct 16, 2011 (less than 8 months after starting in Novice).  We are very proud of her!!!

Above: Audra finishing her MXJ title on Sept 5, 2011 (just 6 months after starting in Novice) ... and below is the video of her MXJ run...


Photo by Rich Knecht ©

Here are a few recent videos.

This was her 2nd MX Leg ...


And this one was not a Q, but look how much fun she is having.  She was flying.  Oops ... No brakes at the table ;o)  Oops again ... a slight break in the action at the weaves to go check something out ...  "Be right back!!"



Audra finishes her Agility Excellent Standard (AX) title  at Colonial Rottweiler trial on May 11, 2011.  Just 3 short months after beginning in Novice agility, Audra is now in Excellent B in both Jumpers and Standard.  She also picked up her 3rd MXJ leg!!  And she's off :o)  Follow her MACH Quest here.

Audra earns her first MACH point  at Staten Island trial on May 7, 2011.  Coincidentally, her father Soren's first MACH points were also at Staten Island.  And she follows it up the next day with 9 more MACH points in Jumpers and her 2nd leg in Excellent Standard. 

Audra finishes her Excellent Jumpers (AXJ) title at Kruisin Kanines trial in Hatfield on 5/1/2011, in only 3 weekends, and just over 2 months after starting in Novice Jumpers!  She also got her first Excellent Standard leg.  Yay Audi.

Audra AXJ

Audra finishes her Open Jumpers (OAJ) and Open Agility (OA) titles at Keystone ESS trial in Hatfield, PA the weekend of April 9 and 10.  From Novice to Excellent in less than 2 months of trialing.  She is having a blast and is so much fun to run. 

See her finishing her Open Standard title ...

Audra earns her Novice Jumpers (NAJ) and Novice Agility (NA) titles in just a couple of weekends out -- Four 1st Places and two 2nd Places. 

See one of her Novice Jumper runs below ...

Go Audra, go!!  She can really book around a course and takes her mission seriously. :O)

Audra earns a leg in Open JWW P with a 2nd Place and a beautiful run.

 Watch her Open JWW run ...


She also earns 2 legs toward her Novice P FAST Title, both with 1st Places!

Audra earns 2 UKI Agility TitlesAudra did her second UKI agility trial on 2/13/2011.  3 perfect runs with no faults, 3 Qs, and 3 first places.  In UKI, you need 12 points to earn your BID (Beginner International Dog) title.  Audra finished hers in only 2 days of trial with double the necessary points.  And she finished her Speed Stakes Beginner title as well in just 2 runs.  She was AWESOME!  Since UKI is a new venue in the US, I am sure she was the first Frenchie to title in UKI, and is probably among the first dogs in the country to title in UKI.

This little Pau-delicious apple fell RIGHT next to the tree :o)

Audra's First Ever Agility TitleAudra finished her Novice Jumper Preferred (NJP) title on Feb 6, 2011.  She did a great job!!  Yay Audi!!  Here's Audi finishing her first AKC agility title ...  look at that great start line stay.  She is SO CUTE!!!


Audra's First Ever Agility TrialAudra did a UKI Agility trial on 1/22/2011.  She was awesome and had a great time.  3 runs, 3 Qs, and 3 first Places.  UKI is a new venue and Audra was the first dog on the line at the first UKI trial in the Northeast, and the first to qualify.  What a great start Audi Paudilicious! 


See Audra practicing agility:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yTgCVmGbPTk


Audra's Accomplishments in 2010:

Sneak Preview!  Audra's been working hard at her agility training and showing a lot of promise.  At a trial in Salisbury MD this summer, they were having a Time to Beat Demo, so we decided to run just for fun.  Audra, who had never done more than little sequences of 4-6 obstacles at this point, had a few bobbles, but did a super job and made it through the whole course.  She had a great time, and so did I!!  Have a peek ....  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3LfE5wl-b_w

AKC Rally Novice (RN) -- March 28, 2010  Audra's off and running, on March 25, Audra got her first AKC Rally Novice leg with a 97 and FIRST PLACE!!  And on March 28, she finished up her first performance title with scores of 95 and 97.  She did a super job!!  Titles on both ends for Audi!!

Audra RN at your service!!

Girlfriends -- Audra adopts a little girl she met at the rally trial.

Audra's Accomplishments in 2009:

At only 7 months old, Audra, aka CH JustUs Uptown Girl, finished her breed championship with 3 majors.

Ch Justus Uptown Girl, just 6 mos old, getting her first point

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