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10 Ways to Know You Might Be Showing a Frenchie In Performance
By Deb Stevenson ©
While other competitors are milling about
anxiously with their wound up canine teammates, yours is on the
floor next to you, on his
back, feet up like a dead bug, snoring

"zzzzzzzzzzzzzz" ---
Photo by Moy Wong ©
You are fairly certain there are less than six degrees of separation between the
thrill of victory and the agony of defeat. Perfection and
humiliation often occur in the same weekend, day, and on occasion,
even during the same performance.

Soreeeeeen, the course goes
this way .... come baaaaack!!!!
by LandMarc Photography
You own more than your
dog's weight in cool coats and other cooling apparatus.

"Quick ... my fan please" ©
Your dog has almost brought
you over to her way of thinking regarding automatic sits at a
halt... A futile gesture and really just a waste of energy since you
will only get right back up again. Ditto for accompanying you
all the way to the end of about turns when she can simply "catch you
on the way back."

"Okay, but I still think this
is stupid" -- Photo by ©
Your dumbbells and scent
articles are at least twice as long as they are tall.

"Doctor, can you help me? -- I'm deformed!"
You are painfully aware
that stopping to graze before an agility jump is often scored as a

"Is that something to eat? ...
Be right back" -- Photo by Steve Surfman Photography
Turning around to face the
little gargoyle you left in a sit stay reminds you of that "Red
Light, Green Light" game you played as a kid. While your back
is turned, you never know how many steps forward she has taken, or
in what position she has managed to freeze.

"You want me to do WHAT?"
-- Photo by
You are no stranger to the
buzzer that sounds when you exceed maximum course time in agility.

"Oh ring crew... I need a boost
please" -- Photo by ©
You have come to view
heeling alone as a unique opportunity to practice your footwork
under pressure.

"You go on... I'll catch
up... hmm, nice job on that about turn!"
Photo by ©
Win or lose, Q or NQ,
awesome or awful, at the end of the day you have laughed more and
had more fun than any other exhibitor there.

by LandMarc Photography
Writer's Note:
Lulu has asked me to inform
you that she has NEVER
broken a stay. And Soren would like me to let you know that,
while he may have broken a stay, he has
exceeded maximum course time in agility. As for heeling, their
lips are sealed, but both are looking a little like they swallowed
the canary.
NOTE: A version of this article was published in Winter 2008
issue of JustFrenchies
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