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Soren and Zena's Kids
Meet Sagan and Audra --
born on January 20, 2009, a very historic inauguration day, and sure to
make a little history of their own someday!

Introducing Sagan (left and lighter) and
Audra (right and darker), one day old!
In the Whelping Box

Oh my .... those pudgy LIPS!!

That head!! She is like a little Soren clone!!

Clone?? That is SHOCKING

Num, num, num .....
Out and About...

Advice from Daddy Soren: Sagan, better hope Aunt Lulu doesn't catch
you near that vacuum

I like big butts and I cannot lie


Hey Sagan, I think we need a plan of attack here

The picture you find under "Sweet" in the dictionary
Adorable Audra...

Yes, I realize I am ridiculously cute and look just like my daddy


Sweet Sagan ...


Showing Agility Tendencies...

Good running shoes are essential
for a future agility star

Surefooted Sagan masters any terrain

Audra showing early signs of food

Sagan, tunnel, tunnel, tunnel!!

Run Audra, Run ....

Run Sagan, Run
We Are the Champions

Audra's First Point

Sagan's First Point
Dueling Sibling 5 Point Majors on
the Same Day (while at an agility trial far far away, their Daddy was
earning a Double Q) ...

Audra's Five Point Major

Sagan's Five Point Major
Both Audra and Sagan finished
their Championships in just over a month of showing, and at only 7 months

Sagan Taking a Group 4 his first time
out as a Special -- 13 months old
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