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Photo by
www.snootydog.com ©
What can I say about Lulu?
I can't think of her without smiling, and that pretty much sums it
up. From her silly and oh-so-expressive face, to her chubby
piggy butt, she personifies the word "cute." Add to that an
impish sense of humor, a range of sound effects that rivals the most
technologically advanced sound booths, and an "always up for fun"
attitude, and you are pretty much guaranteed that no day shall pass
without a good laugh.

Lulu has a passion for life
that is contagious. Whether she is snorting and flipping
around on the couch battling imaginary foes, or flopped out on her
belly with legs straight back like chicken drumsticks on an oven
stuffer roaster, she is one funny piggy. She is an incredibly
loving little dog who is extremely devoted to her family, and has
never met a person she didn't like.

Photo by
The Winning Image ©
At home, she is my shadow,
even joining me in the shower occasionally. She does not like
to be left out of anything. Needless to say, Lulu is a kid
magnet, and once she has attracted one or more, she delights in
their company. She adores my son, and that feeling seems to be

Photo by
The Winning Image ©
Training Lulu in obedience
and agility is both a treat and a challenge. She is far
smarter than I expected a bulldog to be, but she also comes with her
own terms, and success depends on how well I can understand and meet
those terms. Our training is a work in progress, and we have
had amazing successes that surpassed my wildest expectations, and
humiliating failures that remind me her cooperation in my games is a
gift, and is not to be taken for granted. But in the end, I
will be a far better trainer and a far better person for having
worked with her. She reminds me constantly that we are in this
to have fun, never let's me take myself, or her, too seriously and
has significantly raised the "patience" needle on my virtue meter.
Comedienne, toy fanatic,
snuggle bug, cat tormenter, obsessive foot licker, queen bee, loving
buddy... that's Lu. And with that, I hope you will check out
Lulu's story and her
accomplishments (and of course, her
photo albums) to see what makes this
bat-eared bowling ball with legs so very special.

Lulu is now retired from
performance and living the life of luxury in VA in a wonderful home
with her best friend, Trudy. Life in a multi-pet home has
always been challenging for Lulu, and though her fiery "mine"
philosophy is part of her charm, it was problematic with the other

So, while we miss her very
much, the ideal situation for her presented itself, where she could
be the only pet and the center of Trudy's world. She has lots
of toys, sleeps on the pillow in bed next to Trudy at night, and
gets to go shopping ... what more could a little Frenchie diva want?
Many thanks to Trudy for loving Lulu so much and giving her a super
life with you. Love you both!!!
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Lulu's Story | Lulu's Accomplishments |