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PACH2 Quest
| 2011: The Year of the PACH |
2010: Soren's MACH2 |
2009: The Year of the MACH | Soren's Incredible 2008 |
Soren's Amazing 2007

Meet Soren.
He's proven to be an amazing boy on so many levels ... from his
endearing, almost magical demeanor, to his "breed record setting"
agility talents.

Photo by Steve Surfman
As you can tell by his expression, he is a Frenchie with a mission.
His desire to go, go, go and to please makes him an incredible
partner in just about any dog sport we try.

I'd been told
that those Frenchie boys were real love bugs, but I had no idea to
what extent till I met Soren.

Photo by Wendy Doret
-- Wendy, I thank you so much for this photo. It captures
Soren's very soul and brings tears to my eyes just looking at it and
seeing all I love so much about this incredible dog.
When I lie down on the couch at
night, there he is right next to me, his forehead on my forehead,
his nose on my nose, his mouth on my mouth. Makes it difficult
to breathe, let alone see the TV.

Soren is just
precious... a real WYSIWYG (what you see is what you get) kind of
guy. No agendas, no mean bones, no ulterior motives.
Just pure good nature through and through, and with an exuberant
joie de vive that exemplifies the best of French Bulldog character.

© www.snootydog.com
The handsome
Mr. Soren (named for Danish philosopher SØren Kierkegaard) came to
the U.S. from Denmark as a promising young pup. As it
happened, the breed ring's loss was our gain. Smart, agile and with incredible heart
and a big desire to please, it seemed that he was destined for other

Original Photo by M. Nicole
Fischer, Silliness by Deb ;o)
Special thanks to Suzanne Orban-Stagle and Ron Readmond for
recognizing Soren's "performance" potential and allowing him to explore
it here with us. I hope we'll make you proud. And to
Brenda Hasbargen, Pat Berry and Carol Heisterhagen for encouraging me to "just meet
him." As promised, he is a most special guy. His
athleticism and work ethic is truly astounding. This boy can
leap tall buildings and give a speeding bullet a run for its money.

Poor Soren
had a bumpy arrival, beginning with a very potent stomach virus that
was going around the show circuit. But that was a piece of
cake compared to "The Taming of the Lu" (or was that "Shrew" ...
well, same difference) that ensued once he got home.

Photo by Jill B Newman
Dear as
she is, Lulu has a little "mine" complex, and Soren's job was to
avoid her wrath by learning her complicated (and oft times
"less-than-rational") set of dos and don'ts. My
personal favorite is, "Soren shall not to come near the vacuum
cleaner when it's in use." Not sure if that's for his own
protection, or just plain weird. The dishwasher is another
Lulu no no, and any time you see me loading the dishwasher, you can
bet you will find Lulu guarding by my feet, and Soren a safe
distance away on the den rug, looking deliberately disinterested.

Soren is training in both obedience/rally and agility.
Whatever we do together, his intensity and exuberance is just so much
fun. He clearly has a passion for agility, and has amazed me
with how quickly he has learned and how much he has accomplished.

And last, but
certainly not least, is his utter devotion to me, which I must
confess is one of my favorite "features."
Another of my
favorite "features" is his "amazing border collie imitation."
I stand there and open my arms and, from the floor, this little
bulldoggie jumps into them. This is always followed by a good
face washing. It is just too cute. As an added bonus, he
gives the very best hugs too.
by Moy Wong) |
When he isn't
tearing up the agility course or leaping into my arms, Soren knows how to kick
back and relax.

by Jacqui Wyatt
Even at a
trial with a hundred dogs and people milling about, he can often be
found on his back, snoring gently, a smile on his face that hints of
sweet dreams. He is truly precious.

by Moy Wong, editing by Deb)

Soren between runs at the Goshen,
NY agility trial -- It's exhausting being an agility star!

Photo by Wendy Doret
Home | Muzzy | Lulu | Soren | Audra | Photo Albums | In Memory | Favorite Links
Soren's Story | Soren's Accomplishments
Soren's MACH3 Quest
| Soren's MACH2 |
2009: The Year of the MACH |
Soren's Incredible 2008 |
Soren's Amazing 2007