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Muzzy's Story | Muzzy's Accomplishments

Photo by The Winning Image © 2006
It is tough
to reconcile the beautiful, proud Doberman you see here, with the
sad, emaciated, frightened dog I first met in the summer of 2003 on
the lawn of the Susquehanna
Stray Animal Shelter in Redlion, PA. My
heart just broke for her, and I still get teary when I think of her
back then.
What amazes
me most about Muzzy is her incredible spirit. Clearly she
suffered things I will never fully understand. When she
first came to live with us, she would cower if a stranger reached
for her. In our first obedience class together, she was so
afraid of doing something wrong, that she would often just lie down
on the floor and refuse to get up. I can only imagine what
horrors brought her to that point.
Yet she was
able to overcome all this to become an amazing dog by any standards.
Her loving, gentle nature touches everyone she meets, and her
ability to forgive and to trust despite her past betrayals, just
leaves me in awe. Her appreciation for any kindness shown
her is clear in everything she does. She defies the myth that
rescue/shelter dogs are somehow flawed, as well as all the negative
stereotypes about her breed.

Photo by
www.snootydog.com ©
There are
no words sufficient to describe what I feel for this dog, who so
embodies all the best attributes of her species and her breed. She has
captured my heart completely - I am so very proud of all she has
accomplished and so touched by her courage, her heart and her utter devotion to me. By
sharing her accomplishments and
her story, I hope that others might
be inspired to adopt one of the many wonderful dogs like Muzzy that
is sitting in a shelter somewhere just waiting for someone to love.
As I walked along
the seashore
This young boy greeted me.
He was tossing stranded starfish
Back to the deep blue sea.
I said "Tell me why you bother,
Why you waste your time this way.
There's a million stranded starfish
Does it matter, anyway?"
And he said, "It matters to this one."

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