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Soren's Accomplishments
Soren's Agility Photos
Soren's Anniversary Photos
Photos by LandMarc Photography

They say a picture is worth a
thousand words. These photos were taken exactly one year after sweet Soren arrived at our home.

Just look at that face
tearing up the agility course, and you will see his intense desire
to please, his exuberance and energy, his wonderfully loving
nature... everything that makes him so incredibly special.

When Soren arrived, he had
never navigated an agility obstacle, but the minute he saw them he
was off an running, and he hasn't looked back since.

Talk about from zero to
sixty... from never setting foot on an agility course less than 12 mos.
ago, he is already competing at the Masters level in Jumpers and the
Excellent level in Standard Agility.

Soren does everything with
his own special style and a dollup of fun on top -- it is all
smiles in the crowd when Soren is on the course.
And now some more pix of the
man in action....

It's SO difficult to stay at that
start line when you just want to GO GO GO!!

And he's off....

On the dog walk... going

One leg... now that's balance :o)
An incredible feat, or is that foot?

Going down.....

The light at the end of the tunnel
you always hear so much about

Look at me weave!!

Woohoo.... getting my rhythm now

Good thing this is the last one
... I am going so fast I am almost out of control

Rounding the Clubhouse turn... Time to bring it home
Just look at the air he gets
in this next shot... he jumps 12", but the turquoise and red jump cups on the left are
at 26 and 24 inches high :o)

Yeeehaaaaw.... Somebody stop the
And just so
you don't think he's all brawn and no brains, Soren has also done
incredibly well in Rally and Obedience.
Rally, he has finished his Rally Excellent title and is working on his
RAE. In APDT Rally, he has his Level 1 and 2 titles, both with
Awards of Excellence for his high scores, and his ARCH.

Soren finishing his St Hubert's CD --
Photo by Jill B Newman
He also has
his St. Hubert's CD in obedience, and his AKC and UKC CDs.
Soren, we
love you sweet boy!!! Thanks for a truly amazing year :o)
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Soren's Accomplishments
Soren's Agility Photos