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Soren's Story | Soren's Accomplishments
PACH2 Quest 2011: The Year of the PACH Soren's MACH3 Quest Soren's Nationals Quest 2010: Soren's MACH2 2009: The Year of the MACH Soren's Incredible 2008 Soren's Amazing 2007
Soren's Amazing 2007:
21 Titles, 62 Placements
(30 First Places), 33 Perfect Scores, Front and Finish Ranked in 14 Categories!!!
#6 Ranked
of all time
and #2 Ranked
Frenchie for 2007
in AKC Agility
#1 Ranked Frenchie
in APDT Rally
for 2007,
#15 Ranked All Breed
#68 Ranked All
Breed overall
(Top 5% of
all Nationally Ranked dogs in US and Canada)

First Place in Rally Advanced
It's tough to know what to
say about Soren's first year of trials, except "WOW!!!" My
socks are knocked off, and my breath is taken away. It's been
an amazing ride, and one that has exceeded all my expectations by a
long shot.
I would like to thank
Suzanne and Ron Readmond for their support and encouragement, for
sharing my love of Soren and my excitement over his accomplishments,
for entrusting me with him, and most of all, for recognizing that he
needed a job to do in order to be happy, and letting him go so he
could have the life that was "in his cards." Knowing him as I
do now, I realize how difficult it had to be to part with him.

I would also like to thank
Soren's breeder in Denmark, Tove Rasmussen,
for breeding such a wonderful boy who is not only handsome and typey,
but also healthy enough to enjoy an active life, and with a
charming, loving personality that wins over everyone he meets.
Soren joined us in October
of 2006. After a bout with a nasty tummy virus, we started
training in November for obedience, rally and agility. It was
clear that Soren was a natural, and for a Frenchie, his work ethic
caught me by surprise, as did his athleticism.

A photo that truly captures the
spirit of this little imp -- Photo by www.snootydog.com
In January of 2007, after
only a few months of training, and on a whim, I decided to enter him
in an AKC Rally Novice trial in PA, just for fun and to see where we
were in our training. We had fun alright, and scored a 96 and
perfect 100. He was absolutely precious, strutting around the
course with gorgeous attention and performing like an old pro.
In early March, we decided
to try our hand at an agility trial. Agility clearly seemed to
be Soren's passion. His intense desire to learn, his
incredible heart and his surprising agility all came together and
his rapid progress was mind boggling. Again, he amazed me by
earning his AKC Novice Jumpers title in two weekends.

An Awesome Photo by M. Nicole
My original goals for 2007
for Soren were fairly simple: I wanted to finish his AKC Rally
Novice title, his APDT Rally Level 1 title, and his Novice Agility
titles. He blew through those objectives like I asked him to eat a piece
of chicken :o) So we just kept going, and going, and going.

Soren with his FBDCA Awards
for Agility and Rally
I could not attend the
French Bulldog Club of America (FBDCA) Nationals in 2007, but was
floored again when Suzanne returned from the Nationals with FIVE
awards for Soren... in only 6 mos. of trials, he managed to earn
awards in
Novice JWW, Open
JWW, Excellent A JWW, Novice Standard Agility and Rally Novice
We closed out 2007 with
through his Rally Excellent title in AKC, his APDT Rally
Championship (ARCH), and three CDs in AKC, UKC and St. Hubert's CDSP.
And in agility, he is halfway through his Master's Jumpers title
with 20 MACH points, and one leg away from his Excellent Standard
title in AKC. He also became the second French Bulldog to earn an AKC
FAST title in agility when he completed his Novice FAST title on Dec
1, 2007. He has also titled in UKC Agility and DOCNA agility.

Another Awesome Photo by M. Nicole
I think back to a few short
months ago when I walked the agility course, pondering how I'd negotiate
it with no start line stay and only right weaves with the perfect
entrance, and I just can't believe how far Soren has come.
I have to thank
our instructors, Sandi Ver Sprill, Barb Miller and Sara Jacobs,
mostly for all the help they have given ME so that I can improve my
handling enough to just try to keep up with the talents of Mr. Soren.
And I thank all our
training and breed buddies, near and long distance,
whose camaraderie and humor makes it all so much fun. They
laugh with us at our mistakes (okay... maybe a little too much
laughing sometimes, and more AT us than WITH us ;o) and make our
successes more special because they share them with us.
So that's our amazing year.
Best of all, is the tremendous bond Soren and I have built. It
just keeps growing all the time. This little bulldog has so
much heart, and his devotion is irresistible. Each morning I
come downstairs and open my arms, and he leaps into them (from the
ground!!) and showers me with kisses... totally precious.
Equally treasured are the
friendships and wonderful memories we have made this year.
Wherever we go, Soren makes new friends. He is a favorite with
the agility crowd, for his endearing personality, his exuberance for
agility, and because he's a great "marker dog." ;o)
Everyone knows Soren ... people I don't even know say "Hi
Soren" as we pass by. I, on the other hand, am best
known as "Soren's Mom." :o)
And with that, what follows is
a recap with some fantastic photos of our amazing year. I
wouldn't trade it, or the silly little dude that made it all
possible, for anything ....
(Left: Soren sporting his ARCH
Rosette) |

Tell me where it hurts...
AKC Rally Novice (RN)
– Feb 9, 2007
On Jan 28, 2007,
Soren aced his Rally Novice B classes with a 96 on his
first run and a perfect score of 100 and a First Place on his second
run. And on Feb 9,
he crossed the finish line with a 97, 3rd Place (out of over 30 Nov
B dogs) and won a 4 way tie on time!!
AKC Novice
Agility Jumpers With Weaves (NAJ)
March 11, 2007, with a clean run and 3rd Place. And this piggy
was flying... 15 seconds under course time to boot.
AKC Rally
Advanced (RA)
On Feb 17 and
18, 2007, Soren earned 2 legs in Rally Advanced A with scores of 91
and 92, and a FIRST and THIRD place!! On
March 18, 2007 he got his 3rd and final leg, to finish his RA title with an impressive
score of 98!!

Soren's APDT Rally Level 1 Title
and Award of Excellence -- Photo by Nancy Bozza
APDT Rally
Level 1 (RL1)
On March 10,
Soren made his APDT Rally debut in style, earning a PERFECT SCORE of
210 for a FIRST PLACE in Level 1A. Amazing!
And on April 22, 2007, with scores of 208 and 209 (and perfect
runoff scores to earn first and a second place to boot), he finished
his Level 1 title! Plus earned an Award of Excellence for his
high scores.

Soren in the weave poles -- Photo
by Steve Surfman ©
AKC Novice
Agility (NA)
May 11, 2007, with a clean run and 1st Place -- 21 SECONDS UNDER
AKC Open
Agility Jumpers With Weaves (OAJ)
On May 11 and
12, Soren earned 2 legs toward his Open Jumpers title, with a 3rd
place, and a 1st place. And he finished his title on May 27, 2007,
with a clean run and FIRST Place.

Soren on the DOCNA Course
Competition Beginner Standard Agility (C-BSA)
On July 29, 2007, Soren finished his title with a gorgeous run...
1st place and 16 seconds under course time!

Soren finishing his AXJ Title with
a 1st Place
Agility Excellent Jumpers (AXJ)
On August 18, 2007, with a 1st Place, Soren had a beautiful run to
finish his Excellent Jumpers title!!

Soren finishing his AXJ Title --
Photo by Steve Surfman
APDT Rally
Level 2 (RL2)
August 26,
2007. On July 1, 2007, Soren earned his
1st Leg toward his APDT RL2 title, with a 203 and 2nd Place.
And on Aug 25 and 26, he scored a 208 and a perfect 210, taking
1st place in both Level 2A classes,
to finish his Level 2 title. Again he earned an APDT Level
2 Award of Excellence for his high scores.
AKC Rally
Excellent (RE)
Sept 1, 2007.
On July 20, Aug 31 and Sept 1, Soren qualified with scores of 92
(2nd place), 93 (1st Place) and 93 (4th Place), to finish his RE

Soren finishing his Rally
Excellent (RE) Title
Dog International Certification (TDI)
Sept 5, 2007.
Soren passed his therapy dog certification test!!
Hubert's Companion Dog (CD-H)
Sept 23,
2007. Soren completed his St. Hubert's CDSP CD with scores of
182, 190 and 1st Place, and 182.

Soren finishing his St Hubert's CD
-- Photo by Jill B Newman
AKC Open Standard Agility (OA)
Sept. 30, 2007. Soren finished his Open Standard Agility title
in style with a 1st place

Soren finishing his Open Agility
Standard Title
Companion Dog (CD)
– Oct.
11, 2007. Soren completed his 3rd Novice B Obedience leg, to
earn his CD with a 4th Place
Companion Dog (UCD)
– On
October 27, 2007, Soren qualified for his 3rd leg in UKC Novice B
Obedience to finish his UCD title. He earned his second leg with a 2nd Place!
Agility I (UAGI)
– On
November 25, 2007, Soren got 3 straight Q's and 3 first places to
earn his UAGI title!
APDT Rally Championship (ARCH)
– On
November 25, 2007, Soren finished his ARCH in style, with scores of
210, 208 and 210, 208. He earned in 5 double Qs in 5 straight
trials, while accumulating 176 ARCH points (almost double what's
required). He was very focused and did an awesome job!

Soren with his beautiful ARCH
AKC Novice FAST (NF)
– On
December 1, 2007, Soren became one of only 2 French Bulldogs in AKC
history to earn a title in the new FAST class the first year it was

One of only two Frenchies to earn
the first AKC
Novice FAST Titles in the first year of this new class --
Photo by M. Nicole Fischer Photography
DOCNA Competition Beginner
Snakes and Ladders Agility
(C-BSLA) – Dec 8, 2007, Soren earned his title with a 3rd Place
and a clean run!!
A breed first!!
DOCNA Competition Intern
Snakes and Ladders Agility
(C-ISLA) – Dec 31, 2007, Soren earned his title with a 1st Place
and a clean run!!
A breed first!!
Competition Intern Standard Agility (C-ISA)
On Dec 31, 2007, Soren finished his title with a terrific run...
1st place and 9 seconds under course time!
Competition Beginner Jumpers Agility (C-BJA)
On Dec 31, 2007, Soren finished his title with a clean run... and a
1st place!
On Dec 30,
2007, Soren had a clean run in the
American Challenge Specialist Division,
earning him a qualification for the DOCNA 2008 National
Front and Finish 2007 Breed and Group Rankings...
Soren was
ranked in 14 categories in Rally and Agility:
– Breed
rankings for agility...
Number 1 French Bulldog
Number 2 French Bulldog
Novice Agility (STD)
Novice Jumpers
– Breed
rankings for rally
Number 1 French Bulldog
Number 2 French Bulldog
Number 4 French Bulldog
Group Top 10 rankings
for rally
Also worked towards the following titles in 2007...
Sept 3, 2007:
1st AKC Rally
RAE Double Q with 94 and 95
Nov 3, 2007 Soren earned his first
leg and 8 MACH points at the AKC agility trial in Staten Island.
WOOOOOHOOOOO! Since then, he has gone on to earn a total of 5
legs and 20 MACH points.
On Nov 10,
2007, Soren also earned his
leg with a beautiful run and a 1st Place!! And on Dec 2, 2007,
he picked up his
2nd AX
leg with another great run and a 2nd Place!!
On Dec 29,
2007, Soren earned his first
double Q, plus 2 legs toward his
and one leg toward his
He had great scores of 205, 207 and 209 with a 4th Place!
On December
30 and 31, Soren earned 2
Gamblers legs
-- one in Traditional Gamblers and one in Strategic Time Gamblers!
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