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Soren's Amazing 2007
Soren's Story

Sir Soren, Big and Brave
Photo by Steve Surfman Photography
© Graphic silliness by Richard Saunders
Okay... so I
may not be Hamlet, but I am a famous Dane in my own right.
Destined for adventure and full of promise, as a tender pup, I bid
my homeland of Denmark adieu, and set out for a land far away -- the
United States.

Soren as a pup in

I was met by
a wonderful family who adored me on sight, and so began chapter two
of my life. "To be or not to be, that was the question."

As fate would
have it, when it came to the conformation ring, I was not to be.
Not that I am not handsome mind you, for I am devilishly so.
But as I grew it became clear that my calling was in a different
direction. I needed a job to do -- one that would utilize my
exceptional brains, heart and athleticism.

So in the fall of
2006, as my puppyhood and the summer days began to dwindle, I said a
tearful goodbye and departed the kingdom of the sometimes bitchy Queen
Savannah, to seek my destiny. This new kingdom has been fun... the
castle has many stuffed toys, comfy chairs, and intriguing creatures
they refer to as "cats." Of course on the downside, Queen Lulu can
make Savannah seem benevolent, but I believe I am winning her over.

And ah... I
must not forget the fair Maid Muzzy... she has cast her arrow of love
through my heart. I could spend all day whispering sweet nothings
in her soft, flowing ears. I would follow her to the ends of the
earth... well so maybe just the ends of the yard, but you get the idea.
I am currently
enrolled in "knight school," where I am learning to work as a team,
marching in formation, forging hurdles and obstacles. They tell me
I am a natural, and I am always anxious to serve. I am a favorite
with the ladies, human and canine, who bestow on me their treats and

So that's my
story so far. I suspect it is just beginning. Do check back
on my accomplishments page to see how my adventures unfold.

With love and
Sir Soren Big and
Home | Muzzy | Lulu | Soren | Audra | Photo Albums | In Memory | Favorite Links
Soren's Story | Soren's Accomplishments
MACH3 Quest | Soren's MACH2 |
2009: The Year of the MACH |
Soren's Incredible 2008 |
Soren's Amazing 2007